I have been called brave – just to get a flight to Argentina to go see someone.
Today, I had a friend ring me and ask me about a message she received from an ex “you are brave”. I could clearly see it was a trap. Sometimes in life, when we state the obvious to a friend, they may not take it because they are not in the right frame of mind to take it. I offered her, well if the person said you are stupid, does that make you stupid? If we know ourselves, we are not affected or triggered by what someone says to us.
I asked her to check the “bravery”
I know for a fact that she is doing a lot of inner work and has shared tons of wisdom on her transformational journey. I asked her how many people does she know who are doing the work she is? Do we really connect with people on social media? Or is it a dopamine hit that we get when we get thumbs up and likes?
I realized that I feel so fortunate to do the work I get to do and have the guidance, blessings, and what not. I am happy irrespective of what is happening on the outside. I keep the mind happy, look for the gratitude, look and grateful for the blessings and gratitude. I am much more focused on my PhD than ever before. Wanting to do the work, get things done.
I also realized that the meaning that we put on bravery … is that going to our heads or hearts?
If it is going to the head, it is a validation seeking process, “look at me, am so good.” IF it going to the heart, “I need to do more and I feel I have not done enough to be brave” the moment it goes to our heart it propels us to want to do more. And if we are pondering why did this person say this what does it mean, I suggest asking myself … what am I to learn from this? Would I be affected if the person said the opposite, or thought I was wasting time and money?
True transformation begins with being true to ourselves, doing the things that sing our souls, not to teach someone a lesson, or say “Look at me, am so good, am so successful, am BLAH BLAH BLAH”
When we live a life that is true to us, true to who we are, people reach out, people are truly inspired and we share the wisdom from our own personal experience!
I have heard Brene Brown speak about being "courageous" doing things from the heart .... the conversation helped me sum up my thoughts and grateful to the friend for the conversation adn reaching out too.