Sunday, October 20, 2024

After 15 years ....

The weekend was good and prior to that I was not sure if I would be able to make it to Melbourne.  I had 3 experiments in all to finish and had only completed one on Wednesday.  Thought I would push and get two completed on Thursday .... but guess what, I had to complete the data analysis and send that off to my supervisor.  So I timed myself, thought it would take me 1 hour for prepping, one hour for some analysis, and may be another hour to finalise and send it off .... all this happened 12 hours later ... so Thursday night I was still here and sent off the email around 11pm.  I need my beauty sleep, at least 8 hours of sleep.  And then I had a train to catch after lunch.  Ahhh ... PhD or Sri Sri I asked myself.  Through the works, I learnt it is not about this or that.  I can have it both.  I woke up at 6:30am, did my half hour of meditation, got ready to the lab and right into it.  By the time I finished my first experiment it was well after 3pm, so I knew my only hope and chance was to catch the 3am train if I finish my experiments by maximum midnight.

Why do we underestimate our time to complete things and overestimate other things?  A question I pondered all night.  I kept going and around 1am, I completed my experiments and I also had enough time just to go home and get my bags to go to the station.  I was not that sleepy.  I took some research articles with me to read on the way back in the train on Sunday.

Yes, I managed to reach Melbourne and I also heard that Sri Sri Gurudev was going to be at the Ashram in Melbourne, only thing was how would I get there?  I knew I wanted to go there and had no idea how, so I worked on texting and reaching out to people.  Since the train was going to be late, I was going to give up and later got the inside information that Sri Sri was going to be at the land around 11 am.  Long story short, I rang another friend who happens to live near Epping and brough me to the place.  From there, I waited along with many people.  All sorts of emotions running through the mind and then for few moments and seconds I got to meet Sri Sri and I gave a copy of my book and when I requested him to write in my copy, he said "blessings".  

From there on after a lot of people left the Sunbury Ashram, I wen tot Margaret Court Arena and attend the event "The answer to all your questions."
The meditation was divine, very deep, I could not tell if I was meditating, hypnotised or was I just so tired that I fell asleep.  It was an experience.  
These were few of the things (in bullet points) that I captured when Sri Sri spoke at the event.

All our actions get fulfilled with intentions.  We need to know what we want.  Needs get fulfilled.  Nature provides you with your needs.  Believe it will happen.  Intently want.

I intently asked what is it that I want?
I want to do my PhD happily, with clarity, and good work ehtics.
I know I will get it.  By effort and by intention.

Guruji continued, when you feel it (the outcome) is not in your hands - we tend to pray.
1. Believeing what I want
2. I can do it - I have often heard my supervisor say this ... tellign ourselves that "I can do it"
3. Intense prayer

Prayer happens in two phases.  When we are helpless and when we are in gratitude.  
I asked myself, what is it that I am grateful for?  
Guruji, continued with a sense of desperation or being grateful - we pray and leave it to the divine.  Let it go or call it surrender.  Do your best and let it go!

I asked again, what is it that I want?
A fulfilled life, an inspiring life.

Being 100% present is important.  To be successful, we need intuition, innovative spirit, and energy.  this is what is spirituality.  For inuition we need to be stress free, have a calm mind.

Wishful thinking is a though that we don't believe.
Whereas, a want is we put in the effort and you will get it.  Believe.

There are several stages.  First stage is to bring that calm and then dreaming the impossible.

How to change energy?
When we are lonely, upset, angry use breathing techniques.  Apparently there are 600 research papers on the tumulus in DNA starts growing after Sudharshan Kriya (SKY).

It is important to create happy community, family, world.

Everytime we get angry at ourselves or just angry, we are punishing ourselves.  Have a say over your own emotions.
Loneliness on one extreme and agression on the other end of the same scale, in both cases we are harming ourselves.

Levels of existence
There are two levels of existence, firstly the classical chemistry and the quantum physics.  Everything is vibration (the same) and everything is different.  On an atomic level it is all the same.  Perhaps on a gross level the table is different to the char and different to the stand, howeer they are all made of the same wood.  Though they are the same (from the same wood) they are different.  They serve different purpose.  Not one superior to the other!  

Similarly, uniqueness is in all of us and yet there is underlying positivity, energy that is not changing.  That is what is self-realisation.  Spirit that envelopes the entire universe.  Brahma vidhya to tap into that area of existence.

Quiver free breath, confusion free mind, trauma free intellect is a birth right to every human being.
Lack of awareness is due to being too self-centred.  We need a sensible mind and and sensitive heart.  

Guruji continued that he kept sharing what he knew and that's how he became a leader - care for nature, care for human beings and feelign the connection across the family.

The longer you stare without blinking, the area of brain for creativity starts shrinking.

Power of acceptance.
What is it that you keep thinking about?

I then wrote a question in my book - why is it difficult to forgive others than ourselves?  Comparisons with others - start with where you are and slowly build on that is what I got.

Thank you for your wisdom Guruji and more recently referred as Guruji.

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