Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Feeling good! Layout ready!!!

 Feeling quite peppy and happy today.

I started he day with 25 minutes meditation, then brisk hoola hoop for 15 minutes and then a brisk walk.

Listened to Dr Joe Dispenza on habits for the morning.  

Dr Joe Dispenza - Do this first thing nt he morning.

I realised I need to consciously stop myself before I go into a berating about the things I haven't done!  today I became conscious of it and caught myself and directed the thoguths consciously to the future using what I really got from yesterday's movie - in order to finish you got to start it!

I had breakfast with a senior PhD we made instant dosa and had that with quick zuchini sambar and cjai.  At morning tea there was some biscuits galore.  I no longer feel guilty for eating consciously, eat one or two biscuits.  they had nice NICE biscuits.  And then in the afternoon I had a meeting where I was chairing.  I realised how much I enjoy steering the meetings, asking people questions, listening and really enjoying the conversation.  The responsibility intially was nerve racking, and now I felt I was kinda enjoying when infact I will be giving this up to make room for PhD and no distractions.

I submitted my book for final layout with all the changes and I will be getting my first copy in hand very soon!  yippeeee and then bulk print!!!!

I finished the human and animal ethics.  The animal ethics module seemed lot easier - more common sense.  

A true sense of achievement.

Yes, I feel famous and humble.  It is a major major massive milestone achieved ... in step 6 of the process!

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