Sunday, August 18, 2024

An important day for reflection

Today is an important day as I reflect, I asked myself what is it that I have learnt about relationships, life.   I am penning this down after nineteen years.

1. It is about communication - a dance 💃 in the conversation 
2. Disappointments are due to expectations 
3. Being playful, cheerful and happy are important
4. Encourage and inspire one another including myself. This is what feeds my soul.
5. Love and fun cannot be forced … whatever I do, do it out of love …. Actions out of love rather than force  
6. Remember to look after yourself
7. Physical, mental, emotional, spiritual safety starts with me
8. Communicate what works and what is not agreeable
9. Whatever has happened, is happening is all for the best
10. Pray, bless, wish well for all beings
11. Have faith, trust
12. Remove myself from situation where I do not feel safe or cannot contribute 
13. Look after yourself as much as you look after others or everyone else
14. Relax, have a good time, enjoy life, have fun
15. Triggers are an indication of what is still a trauma, look 👀 within and work things out
16. Praise and/or insults - just observe drop them. Be indifferent to both. Getting emotional only gets me entangled leading to suffering and misery 
17. Keep writing, keep writing ✍️ share the wisdom through my stories, poems, and creativity
18. Being grateful for all people, situations and how far I have come 
19. Keep moving forward and look 👀 forward to the fun, challenges, wisdom life has to offer me.

With love and gratitude 🙏🏼 
Jaishree Ravindran 
18 August 2024 😌

Been a while

 It's been a while since I blogged here.  Almost two months. Tara says write 1000 words a day ... that's for the PhD thesis not the ...