Wednesday, December 7, 2022

 The infinity of December

The eight of the month.  I had a great day yesterday ... reflecting, I also got that the start and end of a sentence are very important while writing.  And while having visitors, the charm and way you say things is also important rather than being very direct ... nto everyone ccan handle the directness.  Perhaps like a dance.

So if it is not a hard YES, there is a possibility of a yes and there is a potential of a YES.  Again if it is a HARD NO it is a NO and I think I have experiecned both in life.  The hard NO is much better and clearer and so is the hard YES.  I've made the hard NO or a soft NO into a Yes in my life .... just find another way to get a YES not to the same person.  Kind of like water .... when water persistently and patiently keepos goign over the hard rocks, even those rocks become smooth!

I had an idea ... who to give those three presents I bought!

Looks liek it is quite hot in Argentina!  Of course why not ... the Latin American Women are so sassy, they know how to carry themselves, their confidence when they walk, uff even in the most unsexy close they carry their sexiness.  And no wonder the Latino guys are always so 'charming' can sway anyone with their charms and moves ... yes dance moves,  I had oonly interacted with one Latino, Mr C ... from now on I will refer to himas Dr G!

Yup woke up aroun 1 this morning, and fell asleep and hten again at 5am.  Brushed my teeth and had a strand of hair in my toothbrish!  Uff who is thinking of me so much!  Wahe Guru! Wahe Guru!

I am lookign forward to exploring GuruDwara in Buenos Aires.  And then I was also looking for Ushuaia ... End of the World .... the flights seems so expensive.  what internal and mental work do I need to do to make this happen??  If I dont' go there it's still the end of the world.  Hmmmmm!

I have been learning to articulate my writing skills.  May be this blog is a dump of all materials and then when I edit, I can pick and choose what I want to say, what I want to display to my readers for my next book!

Will I meet Dr G's parents?  Will I get to see and spend time with Dr G.  Do I hand over the letters?  


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