Thursday, March 9, 2023

Marching on the Tenth!

 The Go Getter!

Today, I spent a good chunk of time doing literature review.  I was going through the feed back I got and massaged whatever was required.  though not fully completed, as I just started to beat myself up. I stopped I acknowledged I had a very productive day and ignore the other bits.  Went to see my supervisor and asked few questions and felt good.  

Catch the thought and if you entertain or dwell on it - you are set for guilt gutter!  Yes, I can not change the past, regret will not help here, the only option I have is what do I choose and choose it powerfully NOW! 

I am also learning to say no with a selfish focus of how that activity might affect based on previous experiences.  

Unwavering Focus has become the theme now -

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