Monday, April 3, 2023

ReSearch - 03.04.23

According to the Oxford dictionary, research is the following:

The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

I have been having ebbs and flows.  It freaks me out and then it makes me curious.  Ahhhrrrgggrrr!  

when I have an open mind to learn, I understand what I am reading.  Ask me to paraphrase, I struggle!

What is systematic?

 a. Arranged or conducted according to a system, plan, or organized method; involving or observing a system; (of a person) acting according to system, regular and methodical.

(Reference -, visited 03 April 2023)

I neither have an organised method, nor am I observing a system in an arranged method!

Yikes!  That is an awareness I need to do something about.

I am asking myself, am I enjoying or is it like hiking, where I do not like the actual act and however, I like to brag about the hikes I have been on!  I usually can't wait for the hike to finish.  I start and look forward to eating when reaching the top of the summit.  With research, it is a rabbit hole, the whole thing is a rabbit hole .... ahhhrrr!!!

So it has been 7 months since  started ... 7 months and 3 days :-) and 9 hours.  Yikes!

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