Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Hidden potential

 This is such a useful book .... Hidden Potential by Adam Grant

My key learnings so far, I have excelled in languages because I do not have inhibitions when it come s to speaking the language, am not afraid of making mistakes, I am willing to learn.  

When it comes to learning, it is important to get comfortable with the uncomfortable .... yup and for me reading is ... and guess what ... reading is the best way for critical thinking.  Adam talked about a study where people read articles versus another group listened to them and the ones who read were able to recall and recollect better than the "audio" learners.

No wonder the scientists have to read a lot to critically think.

So far what I have found with research is:

1. getting the articles with key words - this is my favourite part - it is almost like hoarding the articles

2.  the next part is sorting the relevant articles based on the titles.  reading the title, abstract and conclusion seems to take lot longer and I loose the interest.   If it is fast, quick, tell me I will do it with minimal effort

3. then actually read the article.

Yesterday a fellow PhD student who has been in teh research field for a while showed me how she has done it and seems like a fast quick process.  If it is not relevant to the topic, just move on.

4.  then gather all the relevant may be 2-3 articles per topic and copy paste and then paraphrase.

I will try this tactic on Friday.  I will have the articles printed.

That's all for today, though I wanted to get to the lab early, it is already 8:30am.  I had a nice aloo palak wiht paratha for breakfast, did my one hour of midtation (mostly sleeping becore I leaned against the wall - it's not the same when I lean against the wall.  I went into a dream where I was moving houses or stuff was arriving at a new place.

Anyway, time to get ready and get moving!

Have an awesome day dear reader .... I will leave you wiht this question ..... what's for lunch?

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