Thursday, December 1, 2022

 Good morning Jai!

I am the possibility of fun, love, and adventure!

what am I committed to?  Committed to vipassana meditation, yoga, listening to an audiobook, and journalling here first this in the morning.  I love this brightness in the room or is it me litting it up ... hahahaha ... if you get me you know my Punny jokes!

What ritual do you have?  I woke up this morning, very early ... and realized how abscessed I am about this guy in my life ... wanted to shake it off so badly!  Those who know know who I am talking about and have too much!  It was his birthday and I reconnected after few months.  This time I called.  

I tend to enjoy the day before my birthday, the day of the birthday and the first day after the birthday!

The day before I turned 40, I distributed milky way to all those who walked by my desk, the day I turned 40 I spent the day with my parents, I got a writing desk for my birthday that reminds me of my childhood days and what a GEEK and book worm I was!  The day after my birthday I went to work or perhaps it was a Sunday.  For my forty first birthday, I wanted to work, celebrate, be in different tows - I started with Tatura, then in Melbourne then to Warrnnambool.  I do like surprises and I get disappointed.  So I gave presents and gifts to people to friends who I've had a grudge with, also with the people I adore and I know have got my back and see theri reaction/response!  According to the Persian culture gifts are not to be opened in front of the giver. Later that year I discovered monks give gifts on their birthday!  Go figure, I don't' have to be a try hard Monk at all!

Today, I have my fortnightly meeting with my supervisor, I am nervous.  I got so scared that I procrastinated on doing my work, so I am going to have a shower, freshen up and create the possibility of what I've been up to, my challenges, and what's next.

On that note have an awesome day!

Super pleased to inform and announce and declare tot he world, got my initial layout for my book.

On that note, over, out and complete!

PS when I send a message of happy birthday, I rang (yes more than twice) I got annoyed at myself, I deleted all the messages and MOVING on!  Excited about creating a possibility of global launch - aiming for Easter holdiays!  The books will be ready and gives plenty of time for preparations!!

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