Friday, March 17, 2023

PhD & Cooking

 So when you invite friends over for dinner, you don't cook after they arrived, right?  You have everything ready and prepared.  You don't wait for the entree to finish and then make the main.  In fact a good cook always starts with dessert.  With an end in mind.

What is my end in mind ... I see my thesis, with at least three publications in there as part of my thesis.  

I woke up early today and was so obsessed over an email, I gave up.  I saw my monkey mind jumping from one place to another telling stories.  I realised this is NO WAY helping me.  And when I am writing a literature review I am jumping from well I am not jumping the monkey mind is jumping from one topic to the other.  Do I just ignore it, ahhhrrrr!!!!!  No focus at all!  

so after faffing around for almost two hours that is 120 minutes that is 4800 seconds here I am at my desk.  No body around so outside distractions and socialising cut!  I will not check my phone for another one hour and in another two minutes sTOp writing here to REstart my literature review!

Phew!  god, Universe help me focus and enjoy this process!

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