Thursday, March 16, 2023

Revisiting and Re-wising

I met my host brother and his family and got to spend the day with them in Sunny sydney.  I felt out of place in Sydney as I did not know the place like Melbourne, or Zurich!

The best part was bringing them presents and seeing the kids enjoying time with their parents.

It took a while for the elder one to warm up to me and gave the best hug as I departed to Wagga.  

It was amazing to see how the teen had transformed as an amazing father - a family man!  

We also spoke about my host Dad.  I realised how much I am grateful to them! And the credits of being organised goes to them for that.  We reminisced good old times from putting junk mail int letter boxes, to hiking, travels, talking about our neighbour who was similar age to us, about Swiss trains.  

I could see and feel how my host brother takes care of his family, his mum, his children.  How patient both the parents are - him and his wife, very understanding caring, loving. 

I took my signature dish - tomato rice and my host brother enjoyed it!

I felt so happy and very much visible in my photos.

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