Thursday, January 9, 2025

Happy New moments and many more joyous time

So I told myself .... happy new moments and many more prosperous years.

I realised that instead of planning full on, I can plan for the day and then as long as I am conscious and aware of my actions then I am ok, more than ok.

I felt a swish of freshness after returning from my holdiays, I realised I was so burnt out.  Like a wounded soldier, I kept fighting when in fact I need to relax, rejuvenate and recover.

When I look back, I realise the first few days I was a vegetable, not doing much, I could not believe where I was, I was just doing the bare minimum.  Eat, sleep, cook, rinse and repeat.

Then later I realised how grateful I was for my life, the opportunities I was presented with and the surge of wanting to finish my PhD.  Then I noticed my thoughts were they helpful or joyous. If I am berating myself or feeling sorry for my situation nd playing a victim, it was doign no help, it was the "poor me" muscle at play.  Why don’t' I and why can't strengthen I can do it muscle?  There is a chunk of me (I refrained from saying big) wanting not to believe or foresee in the future.  Another part of me is very much alive and right here right now, the one that I can rely on.

I started burpees today with the idea and intention to strengthen my muscles.  though I did nto do surya namaskar, I will add on to it slowly.  another experiment for today is startign the day and doign the one houyr meditation either in the afternoon or at night.

I had bhindi (okra) and yoghurt with chia seed and peanut for breakfast, a great way to start for a savoury breakfast.  I munched on white baps and butter, felt divine and now the sugar slump so having chai to wake me up.

My fear is, what if I lose my "feeling grateful" what if I "restat takign things for granted"  how do I sustain the feelign of gratefulness?

I did tell a frined of mine Dr Blythe to ask me "Did you write your 50 words today?"

I am starting to feel a little sleepy - is that the jet lag or the recovery from tiredness or the sore throat or is it just too warm today?

I also realise when people rush and in a hurry say things that appear harsh, a not to take it personally, b) say it nicely.  I have been in their shoes too, ususally it is coz I am in a bad mood or in a rush to dash off. 

THe knee pain has reduced but it hurt a lot when it did.  

As I sipped my hot chai, I felt the surge of energy and now I am still  feelign sleepy.  

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