Saturday, January 11, 2025

Super Sunday

 I woke up early and got through the meditation.

I got ready but did not feel like going to the lab.  I was so badly burnt out from going and working nonstop including the weekends, so much so I was afraid of being burnt out again.

I got a surge of energy thinking of all the things I would do if I did not go to the lab.  I could do the laundry, vacuum my room, cook, and write a LOT more!  IT gave me such a jolt of energy, I felt as if I had a coffee shot.  That told me a lot.  So I cancelled the lab booking (without guilt) and thought perhaps I will go to the museum I wanted to.  Get batteries too for my shaver.  Plan my year ahead.  REad, read and do lots of reading too joyfully and happily.

though a small part of me felt guilty, I knew it would not serve me in the long run...the guilt usually drains the energy and goes into a downward spiral.  

I have my tax returns to complete as well ... yay in the most sarcastic tone!

Ok time for laundry and dry them in the room (going green and environmentally friendly), perhaps to the gym, and more writing.

TSchuus and ciao for now.

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