Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Last day of November

So here I am in a beautiful apartment.  Feeling very grateful to be on campus at the university!

I woke up this morning, and did my Vipaasana meditation - one hour - a hint or a hack is the time goes super fast in the morning.  I could see my thoughts and just kept observing them then the breath.  And before I know the gong!  I have an amazing morning in front me.  then I did Surya Namaskar - 5 round sof sun salutation.  Teh sun is bright this mroning and I love the brightness in my room all this while listening to morning chants and prayers, Sanskrit hymns.  Then for Hanuman Chalisa I was hoolahooping.  Then while making chai I was listenign to Atomic habits.  And an idea popped in my head for my second book.  I could see it, be with it, interact.  Boom and now with the help of atomic habit or habits I will implement them and within three years have my next book / books.  One through the Ultimate Publishers for my second book and the other being my PhD Thesis.  

Each day I am supposed to be writing/reading.  I think the space I am in will make it happen, create the possibility and manifest into reality!

What did I get out of today's few minutes of Atomic Habit - it's about the system, the outcome takes care of itself!!  It's not about tidying the room and keeping a system in place to maintain the tidiness.  I see how my mother has implemented this in her life.  One habit at a time.  

Have an awesome day, Jai and the rest of the world!

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

 I visited a Thai temple and met a monk there.  The way he explained meditation was amazing!  As usual the question was on what is the difference between sleep and meditation.  When we are asleep we are not aware where we are.  And while meditating we are very much aware and yet relaxed!  Over a period of time we can see how equanimous our mind is.  So I have been meditating and I find that I have fallen asleep.  I thought it was deep meditation only to discover that I was asleep because I wa not aware where I was, though I did not have any dreams, I did not know where I was.

So the questions is making meditation as a happy habit.  

I have been mulling and wondering about moving on campus.  This is to help me towards my PhD goal.  Being on campus, being close to the lab, etc creating the opportunity and possibility to be engrossed into my PhD!

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Happy Birthday!!

Happy birthday to me!

Had an awesome day - quite productive too!

Spent valuable insights with a cousin who has inspired me to be bold, ongoing and courageous! 

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Sunday, 06 November

 So here I am ... after almost 90 minutes of procrastination, time to write a blog.  I seem to be getting excited and doing everything else except the actual task I sat down to do.  My gs and n are swapped the other way when I type fast!

so the question this morning is who am I being?  I seem to be organizing everything else required and when it come to the actual task, it seems to disappear or rather I get distracted.  I am noticing there is a bit of rubbish on the floor, do I vacuum and clean the place?  I also noticed the self-talks I have can be so disempowering.  Have you ever caught yourself doing this?  I stop myself and tell and acknowledge such talks or thoughts or the bubbles are disempowering and they drop right away.  And I lean into what I need to do.  Act and perform from the space of nothingness. 

While I was typing this I looked outside the window.  Two black crows with a piece of food in their mouth.  There was myna another little bird hanging around nearby.  As soon as the crow dropped the food, it hopped into the space and pick it and ran away.  The black crow though bigger kept hopping and going behind but bot in a bullying or dominant way.  The little bird flew away.  Is interesting to watch these animal or rather the bird behaviour.  Was it intentional what the crow did?  what can I learn from this?

Ok back to book work.  Wish me luck!

Friday, November 4, 2022

Tools and techniques for PhD

 4 November 2022

So here I am ... asking and pestering myself, why is it so difficult to focus and study and do what I need to do!  I woke up this morning with three intentions - finish what I need to for my book, send it for layout, meditate and go for my walk.  I took a photo of myself, I look sad - I feel angry on the inside, I dont' know why perhaps I am not keeping up with my expectation of being joyful, being happy, where is the zest for life?

There is only three targets/aim/direction - PhD, book, and personal development.  

On Sunday, I would love to go to Hare Krishna temple in St Kilda and enjoy the sea shore.  

I reached out to a friend for a catch up and she is in India.  

I want to go to Kmart and get my stationery - planner, calendar, etc.  

I am going tot he city on Monday to Wednesday - go to RMIT library and study study and study like a GEEK.  Catch up with the food!

Tool and sources for my PhD research....
Andy Stapleton is good watching his YouTube, not just watching actually taking notes as I watch them - yes handwritten.  While watching The fastest way to do your literature, Andy talks about paperdigest.org.  Then there is Tara on vlog.  Very motivational.


There is no use watching all these things and not taking action!  It occurred to me, I need to go to the city, yes am thinking RMIT University, plonk myself there and read, read, read, and write.  And in the evening come back home!

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Wednesday, 2 November 2022


Went for a nice long walk by the creek after a heavy breakfast.  I wondered if I liked Melbourne or was it because I was so used to the place?  I can’t wait to complete the three years and move back here!  What do I need to do to move and make this a reality?  Today I need to contact the suppliers.  Have a meeting with my supervisors and also I need to update the presentation for the symposium.


I enjoy the walk and listening to the audiobook.  Right now I am finishing from Chaos to Calm by Shannah Kennedy and Lyndall Mitchell.  Today the author was talking about habit.  Habits in such a  way that you don’t’ even think about them.  For me, waking is a habit that I have been enjoying for the fresh air, the river/water flow on the left hand side. 


As I was walking, I saw a lady, I just smiled, I don’t’ talk much and when my walking stip finished I turned back and thoguth it would be god to catch up to her and walk with her.  She was walking in the opposite direction.  I stopped and asked if she was ok?  I felt good even caring for her.  She had an appointment in Highpoint and we departed. 


I am in Melbourne, came here for iron infusion.  I thought it would be good to stay home in case of fever, etc. etc.  I have been watching my sugar levels like a hawk.  Monitoring ever hour or every two hours.  The walk surel helped and I have taken m metformin dose as well.  No not for diabetes it is for PCOs. 

I was thinking of a conference participant I met almost 20 years ago.  She was in her 40s, single, and living with parents.  I wondered how is she doing?  Twenty years ago I never imagined what would my lie be like but I feel I have not progressed much myself.   In the last twenty ears I have travelled a bit, worked at university, I had an awesome time!  I went on many speed dating events, I bought and sold land, and built a house.  I lived in New Zealand, met some great people, got the itch for travelling.  I never really cared for or worried about money.    I felt like a free spirit.  While on the outside I see man o my friends,  family, getting married, having babies, building and buying bigger houses.  Am I going backwards?  I made friends with younger people, listen to audiobooks more, and live or am by myself.  I have travelled to Gippsland, to Grampians, and next the Great Ocean Road.


I am ok and happy where I am as long as I don’t’ compare myself with anyone. 

What do I want in life, is this how life is going to be for the remaining life I have? 

I have planned my project as part of personal development program.  This is for my book launch.  It was good to work backwards and fill out all that is required.  Gives me a clarity on what is required, what is possible.

Am I brave?

 Brave I have been called brave – just to get a flight to Argentina to go see someone. Today, I had a friend ring me and ask me about a mess...