Last day of November
So here I am in a beautiful apartment. Feeling very grateful to be on campus at the university!
I woke up this morning, and did my Vipaasana meditation - one hour - a hint or a hack is the time goes super fast in the morning. I could see my thoughts and just kept observing them then the breath. And before I know the gong! I have an amazing morning in front me. then I did Surya Namaskar - 5 round sof sun salutation. Teh sun is bright this mroning and I love the brightness in my room all this while listening to morning chants and prayers, Sanskrit hymns. Then for Hanuman Chalisa I was hoolahooping. Then while making chai I was listenign to Atomic habits. And an idea popped in my head for my second book. I could see it, be with it, interact. Boom and now with the help of atomic habit or habits I will implement them and within three years have my next book / books. One through the Ultimate Publishers for my second book and the other being my PhD Thesis.
Each day I am supposed to be writing/reading. I think the space I am in will make it happen, create the possibility and manifest into reality!
What did I get out of today's few minutes of Atomic Habit - it's about the system, the outcome takes care of itself!! It's not about tidying the room and keeping a system in place to maintain the tidiness. I see how my mother has implemented this in her life. One habit at a time.
Have an awesome day, Jai and the rest of the world!