Am almost towards the end of 'How to Have a Meaning Conversation' I managed to connect with the author via LinkedIn. super impressed and pumped up about it.
I am not so harsh on myself. I am able to work away, tick along few activities. Managed to submit expense claims - not that I had to put it here but it feels like an achievement!
Today, I thought I will write what the Monk said about Forgiveness.
Thanks to Gehse-la Sherab for the talk on Forgiveness at Wagga Wagga
It is very important in spiritual path to be kind and compassionate. find peace through forgiveness! We are able to create better environment to solve conflict problem we have with each other. to find a better way to solve. To resolve anger feeling towards each other.
We learn to forgive ourselves and others. Only fully enlightened one do not make mistakes. Aim to achieve the highest realizing. Mind free from delusions. Learn from mistakes, not be harsh. Learn to let it go - bitterness, anger! Be gentle, kind to oneself and others. this will help our mind be calm, enjoy life, better physical health. through forgiveness the space for love and compassion grows. Resentment, anger, bitterness - there is no space of love and compassion. The negative feelings don't' allow space for love and compassion.
TO be able to forgive, one important thing is to understand
everyone makes mistakes – not intentionally.
The reason why we make mistake is not being an enlightened one. Accept and understand this will help. We expect ourselves to be perfect. Who doesn’t make mistakes? Try to do your best! Recognize and it will be easier to have the
forgiveness. We hurt or offend – not because
we want to. Intention, action is
important. Action – way we try to
help. Need the right skillful needs. Understanding to help, to let it go. Forgiveness is releasing he negative feeling
for others or oneself. Forgiveness is
releasing the negative feelings. We hurt
and harm or damage or suffer ourselves more!
More than anyone you are doing a favour for yourself! By forgiving you release your pain and suffering
sooner you are able to release, the less painful it is! B forgiving you are free form the anger,
hurt, resentment you open yourself for love, compassion. Your mind becomes more open to receiving
love, compassion from others. If you are
not able to let, go of the past – mind stuck in the past – it is not forgiving –
you do not find peace and happiness.
Live our daily life with a calm mind – develop these inner
Forgiving oneself and other
Like many other virtues of the mind, learn to forgive. When life is easy, it is easy to be kind, compassionate,
be playful and be kind.
When there is a problem – mind starts to attack.
Be more kind, compassionate and forgiving.
When difficult times arise and you are kind, compassionate –
it is a sign of your virtues. Success
through forgiveness. Find peace despite
the difficulty in life. Keeping mind
peaceful, calm, and happy due to being able to forgive. When you are able to forgive, even your enemy
becomes your friend.
Transformation through forgiveness. Ability to forgive. Bring people closer. Mahatma Gandhi said, “Forgiveness is a sign
of strength and not weakness.” Stand
without any anger or bitterness! Have
success because of forgiveness.
Forgiveness is an attitude, something you practise. Patience, compassion and forgiveness – these leaders
are the ones that inspire.
Internal prison – resentment and bitterness. There is no space or happiness with internal
prison. Put what you have learnt into practise
when emotions over power – we are not happy with what with what we do – guilty shame
– that moment – you lost your mind that moment – emotions triggered
Tips that might be helpful to let it go, release, and forgive
Deep breathing
Watch your breath
Decide and make strong determination to let it go –
bitterness, resentment
Understand form their point of view
Where they are coming from, even though you may not agree
with their action
How can we be a better person and happy rather than holding
on that anger and resentment.
Reflect, contemplate, understand.
State of mind. Learn to
release, let it go
Consciously rejoice your virtues and virtues of others.